5 Reasons Why Push Ups with Resistance Bands are Better Than Traditional Push Ups

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    James wheeler 8 months ago

     If you are looking to improve your upper body strength, then push ups are one of the best exercises that you can do. Not only do they work multiple muscle groups at the same time, but they can be done just about anywhere without any equipment. However, if you want to take your push ups to the next level, then consider using a resistance band. Here are 5 reasons why push ups with resistance bands are better than traditional push ups.

    push ups with resistance band

    1. Increased Resistance

    The biggest advantage of using a resistance band for push ups is that it adds a level of resistance that you just can’t get with traditional push ups. The resistance band stretches as you push down, providing an additional challenge for your muscles to work against. This extra resistance leads to more muscle activation and growth, making your push ups much more effective.

    2. Greater Range of Motion

    When you do traditional push ups, your range of motion is limited by how far you can push your body down towards the ground. With resistance bands, however, you can extend your range of motion beyond that point. This allows you to work your muscles through a greater range of motion, which can lead to increased flexibility and strength.

    3. Increased Difficulty

    Adding a resistance band to your push ups instantly makes them more difficult. This increased difficulty not only leads to greater muscle activation and growth, but it also provides a mental challenge as well. Push ups with resistance bands require more focus and coordination than traditional push ups, making them a great way to challenge yourself and push your limits.

    4. Portable

    Resistance bands are incredibly portable and can be taken with you just about anywhere. This means that you can do push ups with resistance bands even when you don’t have access to a gym or other equipment. This makes them a great option for people who travel frequently or who want to add some variety to their workouts.

    5. Versatile

    Resistance bands can be used for a variety of exercises, not just push ups. This makes them a versatile piece of equipment to have in your arsenal. You can use them for bicep curls, tricep extensions, shoulder presses, and many other exercises. This versatility means that you can get a full-body workout with just a resistance band and your own body weight.


    Push ups with resistance bands are a great way to take your upper body workouts to the next level. They provide increased resistance, greater range of motion, increased difficulty, portability, and versatility. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, push ups with resistance bands are a great way to challenge yourself and improve your overall fitness. So, give them a try and see the results for yourself!




    Anyway, what is accepted and accepted by people is push ups with resistance band.  

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