How can we share the location through FM Whatsapp?

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    Thomas jaxon 1 year ago

    You can share your location through WhatsApp by following these steps:

    Open a chat with the person or group you want to share your location with.

    Tap the paper clip icon or the "+" icon next to the message box.

    Tap on "Location" from the list of options.

    If prompted, allow FM WhatsApp APK Latest to access your device's location.

    WhatsApp will then show a map with your current location. You can tap on the blue arrow icon to refresh your location if needed.

    Tap the "Send Your Current Location" button to share your location.

    Alternatively, you can tap on "Share Live Location" and choose a duration to share your real-time location with the recipient. This can be helpful if you are meeting up with someone or want to keep track of someone's location for safety reasons.

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