Toaster oven vs air fryer: Which one is better for baking?

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    Catherine thurgood 11 months ago

    toaster oven vs air fryer


    When it comes to baking, having the right appliance can make all the difference. Two popular options on the market are toaster ovens and air fryers. Both have their pros and cons, but which one is better for baking? In this article, we'll take a closer look at toaster ovens and air fryers and compare their baking capabilities.

    Toaster Ovens

    Toaster ovens are a versatile appliance that can be used for a variety of cooking tasks, including baking. They are typically larger than traditional toasters and can accommodate a wider range of foods. Toaster ovens use heating elements to cook food, similar to a conventional oven. They also have a variety of settings, including bake, broil, and toast.

    One of the benefits of using a toaster oven for baking is that they are more energy-efficient than a conventional oven. They also preheat faster, which can save time. However, toaster ovens can have hot spots, which can cause uneven baking. It's important to rotate the food halfway through cooking to ensure even baking.

    Air Fryers

    Air fryers are a newer appliance on the market that have gained popularity in recent years. They use hot air to cook food, similar to a convection oven. Air fryers are known for their ability to cook food quickly and with less oil than traditional frying methods. They also have a variety of settings, including bake, roast, and grill.

    When it comes to baking, air fryers can be a good option for smaller items, such as cookies or muffins. However, they may not be the best choice for larger items, such as cakes or bread. Air fryers can also have a small cooking capacity, which may not be suitable for larger families or gatherings.

    Which One is Better for Baking?

    Ultimately, the choice between a toaster oven and an air fryer for baking comes down to personal preference and the type of baking you plan to do. If you're looking for an appliance that can handle a wide range of cooking tasks, including baking, a toaster oven may be the better choice. If you're looking for an appliance that can cook smaller items quickly and with less oil, an air fryer may be the better choice.


    Both toaster ovens and air fryers have their pros and cons when it comes to baking. It's important to consider your specific needs and preferences when choosing between the two. Whether you choose a toaster oven or an air fryer, both can be valuable additions to your kitchen arsenal.


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